We Are Artists:

Watch us create art using our hands, heads, and hearts!!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Heart Art by 1st & 7th Grades

Both first and seventh grade art classes had a little fun with the heart theme before our February break. Although they are two different lessons for two very different age groups, there are some similarities to be seen in the final products. The most obvious similarity is the artists' personalities come shining through in these projects. I gave them all some basic instructions and then told them to kind of turn it into their own thing. I think they were all very creative.

Here are some first grade finished pieces...

Here are the some of the seventh grades'...

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

"Here I Am!" by Kindergarten

     How cute are these little faces? They are just the sweetest kiddos!!! They had so much fun creating these portraits. First they drew their faces and then traced over the lines with sharpies. Then they used crayons to color their faces. When they finished, they glued foam shapes around their faces and painted in any remaining areas with water color paints.
     I like the use of different materials on this project. The combinations of different mediums adds a lot of visual interest to the artwork.