Friday, July 27, 2012

Owls & Fireflies

Do you remember the book, Sam and the Firefly? Well, it's an oldie for sure...
It was one of my favorite books as a child. The pictures were so much fun in my eyes. I loved how the story took place at night and how the illustrator used dark pages with bright yellow to show the glow of the moon, eyes, and fire fly. I remember my grandmother reading it to me. I came aross it and decided to share it with my kinders. Then, we did a fun crayon resist project, drawing owls and fire flies and then painting over it with a cool glowy, nighttime, green watercolor paint. 
I think they are adorable, and love the bright yellow moons, owl eyes,  and fire fly bottoms!

I know school has been over for a bit, but I just came across these pictures on my computer and decided to share.
I hope all my fellow art teachers are enjoying (or enjoyed, if you are back already) their summer. I have one month left! Looking forward to hearing about all your fabulous lessons and hope to be sharing more of mine as I look to the fall.


  1. The kids are always so excited by the wax resist effect aren't they? It's like magic, the way it makes the yellow glow :) Lovely :)


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