Thursday, March 1, 2012

Van gogh Inspired Winter Trees by Seventh Grade

First of all, my original inspiration for this lesson came from a wonderful blog, If you are looking for some great art lessons, check out Mary's blog!!!!

I love the way these turned out. The 7th grade students were asked to create a winter sky inspired by Van gogh's Starry Night. They worked on getting color, texture, and movement into their skies. I tried not to over explain or over instruct. I rally wanted they to come up with their own unique perspective of what the sky should look like. The next week, they added the bare winter trees and snowflakes. They are just so beautiful. Here are some finished ones...


  1. I was admiring these gorgeous landscapes and before I read the blog post. Thanks so much for the kind words! I have to say I love your colorful version more than mine.I am really in love with the 5th piece from the top with the beautiful swirls and splatters.

  2. These turned out really beautiful.
    I love the colors and textures.

  3. Good morning!... How uplifting... the discovery of your colourful and joyful site... and the colour-filled... active theme of "Trees In Winter"!

    How much more joyful to discover that these exciting pieces of Art... capital "A" fully intended... are from the "hearts, heads and hands" of children!

    Art truly is about creating... stimulating and honouring one's Imagination. "Imagineering" is a tool which will help open doors for children as they prepare to successfully and confidently enter the adult workplace and world. Art deserves a valid and weighted perspective in the curriculum!

    You might be interested in the content of my most recent post. We who travel the pathway of Art... share parallel journeys... and Hope!

    Keep up the great work!

    Good Painting!... Teaching... and Imagineering!
    Warmest regards,
    Bruce Sherman

    PS I am a retired Elelmentary teacher and Visual Arts Consultant... still working... and sharing art with adult "children"! HA HA!!!


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