Monday, January 30, 2012

"Close, Closer, Closest Snowmen" by Grade 7

This is a cool perspective lesson that I have been doing for a few years. I remember getting the idea a few years ago somewhere, but I can't remember where, so I apologize if it was your idea and I don't give you credit. Feel free to comment and let me know! Although I only have 24 followers (sad face) so I somehow doubt the original lesson planner will stumble across my post. If you are reading this and are not a follower of my blog, please join! I'd love to feel that my students' audience is growing.

Anyway, the object of this lesson was for my students to draw the SAME snowman three times as if they were digitally zooming in on a picture. They needed to take the whole picture into consideration, and also add more details and texture as they got closer to their snowman. Many of them found it was not as easy as it sounds! Some of them were quite successful.

1 comment:

  1. I love both of your post on snowmen.
    Your students did a fantastic job with perspective.
    The colors are so beautiful


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