Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Bone Letters by Fifth Grade

This is a great, fun Halloween art lesson. I do it every year with the fifth grade class. I originally found it on the art blog, Art Projects for Kids. This is the link to the lesson, http://www.artprojectsforkids.org/2008/09/bone-letters.html.

This lesson involves teaching the students to create their names using a combination of different bone shapes. I show them some different shapes and give examples of how they might combine them to form different letters. Then they create their own combinations for each letter of their name. I also do a lesson on shading and light sources. We turned off the lights and shined a flashlight on some white foam geometric shapes to observe where the shadows were cast. Then they tried to give their letters a shaded look.

Here are some final pieces of their artwork. They did a nice job...


  1. These are aweseome! So creepy! I especially like the creative addition of skulls for the letter 'o'. Great shading as well.

  2. Love it and I am going to do it with my grade 4/5 tomorrow.

  3. Bummer. The link to the lesson seems to be outdated. I will try to create my own and see how it goes.


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