Sunday, October 9, 2011

"Starry Night Inspired" by 6th Grade

I keeping with the middle school students learning about Vincent Van gogh, the 6th graders did an art lesson inspired by his Starry Night.
Van gogh's Starry Night

We read about him, watched a quick video about him and his painting techniques, looked at some of his artwork, and then they set off to complete their own masterpieces.
We followed the same technique that the 8th graders did for their flower artwork; sketch in pencil, color in with oil pastels, add texture with paint. I let them use some metallic paint, too, which they loved.

They had the option of recreating the original or putting their own spin on it. As long as the had some sort of large object in the foreground, movement in their sky, and a low landscape, they were free to get as creative as they wanted to.

I love the finished pictures and think the artists should be so proud! Here are a few to look at:

Our Lady Liberty

love the technique

great colors

so cosmic looking

beautiful sky

love the deep purple


  1. So incredibly beautiful! You really inspire your kids to a higher level and you should be very proud.

  2. What a great interpretation of Van Gogh's work.

    The colors and textures are beautiful.
    Your students did an amazing job.

    1. Very miraculous!!! Keep working!


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