Monday, October 31, 2011

"Haunted Houses Ed Emberly Style" by Seventh Grade

Each year around Halloween my middle school students create haunted houses/scenes based on Ed Emberly's style of drawing. For those of you who are not familiar with him, he has many drawing books. If you have a child who likes to doodle little people, creatures, and tiny little drawings, you might consider showing him/her some of his books.

Anyway, this year I gave the 7th grade freedom to design their own haunted house scenes based on the step-by-step lesson we completed together last year. I think they did a great job. It was done completely in sharpie and I encouraged them to turn any "mistakes" into something else. I liked hearing things like, "I made a mistake here, so I turned it into a giant spider".

Here are some of their haunted artwork...

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